Memorization Solution:
class Solution:
def calculateMinimumHP(self, dungeon: List[List[int]]) -> int:
row = len(dungeon)
col = len(dungeon[0])
@lru_cache(maxsize = None)
def helper(y, x):
if y >= row or x >= col:
return 2 ** 31 - 1
if y == row -1 and x == col - 1:
return max(1, 1 - dungeon[y][x])
# only need to have 1 health point to survive
return max(1, min(helper(y,x+1), helper(y+1, x)) - dungeon[y][x])
return helper(0, 0)
DP Solution:
class Solution:
def calculateMinimumHP(self, dungeon: List[List[int]]) -> int:
row = len(dungeon)
col = len(dungeon[0])
max_int = 2 ** 31 - 1
dp = [[max_int] * (col+1) for _ in range(row + 1)]
dp[row][col-1] = 1
dp[row-1][col] = 1
for y in reversed(range(row)):
for x in reversed(range(col)):
dp[y][x] = max(1, min(dp[y+1][x], dp[y][x+1]) - dungeon[y][x])
return dp[0][0]
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