Use divide-and-conquer approach.
Merging process:
- Pick the item with smaller X in left or right group.
- Update left-height or right-height.
- current-height = max( left-height, right-height )
- Update skyline if current-height is changed
Time Complexity = O ( N * Log N )
from operator import itemgetter
class Solution:
def getSkyline(self, buildings: List[List[int]]) -> List[List[int]]:
def update(result, x, h):
if not result or result[-1][0] != x:
# add new key point
result.append([x, h])
# update the last key point height
result[-1][1] = h
def append(result, lst, p, n, h, ch):
while p < n:
x, h = lst[p]
p += 1
if ch != h:
update(result, x, h)
ch = h
def merge(left, right):
nl, nr = len(left), len(right)
pl = pr = 0
# current hight, left hight, right hight
ch = lh = rh = 0
result = []
while pl < nl and pr < nr:
lpx, lph = left[pl]
rpx, rph = right[pr]
x = 0
if lpx < rpx:
x, lh = lpx, lph
pl += 1
x, rh = rpx, rph
pr +=1
# use the maximum height
max_h = max(lh, rh)
# update / add point if maximum height changes
if ch != max_h:
update(result, x, max_h)
ch = max_h
append(result, left, pl, nl, lh, ch)
append(result, right, pr, nr, rh, ch)
return result
def divideAndConqure(start, end):
if end == start:
# skyline for zero building
return []
if end - start == 1:
# skyline for one building
l, r, h = buildings[start]
return [[l, h], [r, 0]]
# divide buildings into two groups and calculate skyline respectively
mid = start + (end - start) // 2
left_skyline = divideAndConqure(start, mid)
right_skyline = divideAndConqure(mid, end)
# merge left and right skyline
return merge(left_skyline, right_skyline)
return divideAndConqure(0, len(buildings))
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