Problem :
class Solution:
def addOperators(self, num: str, target: int) -> List[str]:
result = []
def helper(num, diff, curNum, partial):
if len(num) == 0 and curNum == target:
for i in range(1, len(num)+1):
cur = num[:i]
if len(cur) > 1 and cur[0] == '0':
if len(partial) == 0:
helper(num = num[i:], diff = int(cur), curNum = int(cur), partial = cur)
# A + B
helper(num = num[i:], diff = int(cur), curNum = curNum + int(cur), partial = partial + '+' + cur)
# A - B
helper(num = num[i:], diff = -1 * int(cur), curNum = curNum - int(cur), partial = partial + '-' + cur)
# A * B
helper(num = num[i:], diff = diff * int(cur), curNum = curNum - diff + diff * int(cur), partial = partial + '*' + cur)
helper(num, 0, 0, "")
return result
Instead of saving the diff of previous calculation, we may postpone the process of '+' operator. The '-' operator can be considered as add a negative number.
class Solution:
def addOperators(self, num: str, target: int) -> List[str]:
result = []
def backtrack(start, preNum, curNum, expr):
calculate preNum + curNum [operator] tmp
[operator] = +, -, *
if start == len(num):
if preNum + curNum == target:
tmp = 0
for i in range(start, len(num)):
tmp = tmp * 10 + int(num[i])
# * multiplication is the highest priority operator, we get the result of curNum * tmp right away.
backtrack(i+1, preNum, curNum * tmp, expr + '*' + num[start:i+1])
# + addition is a low priority operator, save current partial result and postpone the calculation of + tmp
backtrack(i+1, curNum + preNum, tmp, expr + '+' + num[start:i+1])
# - substruction is a low priority operator, save current partial result and postpone the calculation of + (-tmp)
backtrack(i+1, curNum + preNum, -tmp, expr + '-' + num[start:i+1])
if num[start] == '0':
# break to avoid number with leading '0'
tmp = 0
for i in range(len(num)):
tmp = tmp * 10 + int(num[i])
backtrack(i+1, 0, tmp, num[:i+1])
if num[0] == '0':
# break to avoid number with leading '0'
return result
Edited on 03/16/2021. An optimized version.
Edited on 09/18/20201. Add more comment to the 2nd solution which postpone the process of '+' operator.
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