A typical backtracking problem. Simulate the process to check if it is valid to put queen on current position. Otherwise, return to the last state.
class Solution:
def solveNQueens(self, n: int) -> List[List[str]]:
board = [[0] * n for _ in range(n)]
result = []
def toBoard(queens):
return [''.join(['Q' if x == queens[y] else '.' for x in range(n)]) for y in range(n)]
def getOccupied(y, x):
occupied = [(y,x)]
# because we scan from left to right and top to bottom
# it only needs to mark the poisition on right and on rows below
for dy, dx in [(1,0), (0,1), (1, 1), (1, -1)]:
tmpY, tmpX = y + dy, x + dx
while 0 <= tmpY < n and 0 <= tmpX < n:
occupied.append((tmpY, tmpX))
tmpY += dy
tmpX += dx
return occupied
def backtrack(y, queens):
if y == n:
yield toBoard(queens)
for x in range(n):
if board[y][x]:
myOccupied = getOccupied(y, x)
for occupiedY, occupiedX in myOccupied:
board[occupiedY][occupiedX] += 1
yield from backtrack(y+1, queens)
for occupiedY, occupiedX in myOccupied:
board[occupiedY][occupiedX] -= 1
return list(backtrack(0, []))
Edited on 05/22/2021. Simplify the method for caculating occupied positions.
Edited on 05/29/2021. Optimize performance by only marking poisition on right and on rows below.
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